Faithway Beef. vs. Grocery Store Beef
posted on
May 18, 2024

If you are new to sourcing your food directly from farmers like us, it's only natural to wonder: Why should I choose Faithway Cattle Co. over the options readily available at the grocery store?
It's a question worth exploring, and one we're eager to answer! At Faithway, we believe in transparency and empowerment when it comes to your food choices.
So, let's take a closer look, side by side, at what sets our pasture-raised beef apart from the offerings of large-scale producers.
By understanding these differences, you'll be equipped to make an informed decision—one that not only benefits your health but also supports the well-being of our cattle and the sustainability of our environment.
Let’s get to it…
1. Grass-Fed and Grain-Finished vs. Grain-Fed Cattle:
Our Approach (Grass-Fed and Grain-Finished):
At Faithway Cattle Co, we believe in the natural cycle of cattle grazing on pasture. Our cattle start their lives on mother's milk and continue to thrive on a diverse diet of grasses and forage. As they near maturity, we introduce a grain-finishing period to enhance marbling and flavor, ensuring our beef is tender and delicious without compromising on the health benefits of grass-fed diets. This combination results in beef that's rich in omega-3 fatty acids and essential nutrients as well as marbling and flavor, offering you the best of both worlds.
Conventional Approach (Grain-Fed):
In contrast, many large-scale producers opt for grain-fed diets throughout the cattle's lives. This approach prioritizes rapid weight gain over the natural diet of cattle, often relying on corn and soy-based feeds. While this may lead to quicker growth, it also results in beef that's higher in unhealthy saturated fats and lower in beneficial nutrients. Additionally, the lack of access to pasture can contribute to animal stress and welfare issues.
2. Pasture-Raised vs. Feedlot Operations:
Our Approach (Pasture-Raised):
Our commitment to pasture-raising means our cattle spend their days outdoors, grazing on open pastures and soaking up the sunshine. This not only allows for natural behaviors and movement but also ensures our cattle are healthier and happier overall. By giving our animals space to roam and forage, we're able to produce beef that's leaner, more flavorful, and free from the stress associated with confined feedlot operations.
Conventional Approach (Feedlot Operations):
On the other hand, many supermarket beef products originate from cattle raised in concentrated feedlots, also known as CAFO Lots (CAFO-Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations). These facilities often house thousands of animals in crowded conditions, where they're fed a high-energy diet to promote rapid weight gain. Unfortunately, this intensive system can lead to health issues, increased antibiotic use, and environmental concerns such as water pollution from concentrated waste.
3. Antibiotic and Hormone-Free:
Our Approach (Antibiotic and Hormone-Free):
At Faith Way Cattle Co., we take a proactive approach to animal health and well-being. Our cattle are raised without the routine use of antibiotics or growth hormones. Instead, we prioritize preventive measures such as proper nutrition, low-stress handling, and regular access to clean pasture and water. This ensures our cattle are able to thrive naturally, without the need for artificial additives or interventions.
Conventional Approach (Routine Use of Antibiotics and Hormones):
In contrast, many conventional beef production systems rely heavily on the routine use of antibiotics and growth hormones to promote growth and prevent disease in crowded feedlot settings. While these practices may help mitigate some of the challenges associated with intensive confinement, they also raise concerns about antibiotic resistance and the long-term effects of hormone exposure on human health.
4. Dry-Aged Perfection:
Our Approach (Dry-Aged):
One of the hallmarks of Faithway Cattle Co. beef is our commitment to traditional dry-aging methods. After harvest, our beef undergoes a carefully monitored aging process, allowing natural enzymes to tenderize the meat and enhance its flavor profile. This results in beef that's exceptionally tender, flavorful, and well-marbled, offering a dining experience that's truly second to none.
Conventional Approach (Not Dry-Aged):
In contrast, many mass-produced beef products skip the dry-aging process altogether, opting for quicker methods of processing and packaging. While this may be more efficient from a production standpoint, it often results in beef that's less tender and lacks the depth of flavor associated with dry-aged cuts. By choosing dry-aged beef from Faithway Cattle Co., you're treating your taste buds to a gourmet experience that's worth savoring.
Make Every Bite Count:
The next time you stroll down those grocery store aisles, we want to invite you to take a moment to think about the impact of your choices. It's not just about filling your cart—it's about nourishing your body, showing compassion to animals, and protecting our planet. When you choose to buy from small farms and ranches like ours at Faithway Cattle Co., you're doing all that and more!
Join Our Cause:
So, next time you're craving some beefy goodness, why not skip the supermarket shuffle and swing by our ranch instead? Together, we're not just buying meat—we're shaping a future where sustainable, pasture-raised beef is the norm. It's a journey we're thrilled to share with you, one delicious steak at a time. Thanks for being part of our mission to make a positive change in the way we eat and build a resilient local food system.