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How Faithway Cattle Came to Be: Stan’s Farming Journey

written by

Vanessa Nabors

posted on

September 5, 2024


Vanessa here, from Faithway Cattle!

I am excited to share the journey that has shaped Faithway Cattle into what it is today, starting with our farmer himself, Stan. His story is one of humble beginnings, deep family roots, and the remarkable journey of small-scale farming that has profoundly shaped both of our lives. 

The Early Days

Stan’s connection to the land was forged at a young age, thanks in no small part to his beloved Grandma, affectionately known as "Mawmaw." Picture a young Stan walking through the woods to her house, eager to learn. Mawmaw taught him the ropes—how to dress chickens, plant a garden, and nurture a love for the land.

At the tender age of 8, Stan began his first foray into farming. With a few laying hens and a jersey calf, he started selling eggs and milk to local neighbors. His earnings, meticulously saved in an old cigar box, marked the beginning of a lifelong journey. As he grew older, Stan expanded his farm with hogs, learned to bail hay, and harvested wheat with his uncles, laying the groundwork for his future endeavors.

Turning Dreams into Reality

By the age of 33, Stan had saved up $5,000 from his day job as an auto mechanic at his family’s auto shop. He invested it in his passion—beef cattle. His full-time job didn’t deter him; it only fueled his drive. With dedication, he grew his herd to around 60-65 head.

In the mid-90s, with the city creeping closer, Stan made a bold move. He bought the land for the farm that we now call home, but this new chapter came with its challenges. For 6-7 years, Stan commuted 45 minutes each way, twice a week, just to keep an eye on his cows. His commitment was unwavering, reflecting his deep love for farming.

By 2000, he had built a house on the farm and moved there full-time, managing a grueling schedule of leaving for work at 7 a.m. and returning at 7 p.m., often doing evening farm chores in the dark during winter. Farming was more than a job—it was Stan’s true passion.

A New Chapter: Love and Commitment

The autumn season of 2014 was a turning point in both of our lives. During a yard sale my car broke down. This unexpectedly led to a chance encounter with Stan. Then, we discovered that we happened to share a hometown and mutual acquaintances, which deepened our connection even more.

Stan’s friend Amy clued me in on his interest, and we began talking over the phone. A couple of days later, Stan’s thoughtful gesture of sending flowers on my birthday was just the beginning of our love story. By May 2015, we were engaged, tying the knot in April 2016.

A Fresh Start

In December 2022, Stan made a life-changing decision. He retired from his role as an auto mechanic at the family business and dove into farming full-time. This shift allowed him to focus entirely on the farm and our beloved cattle, marking a new era for the farm.

But this is only half of the story! Stay tuned, and we’ll dive into my journey—how I adapted to farm life and how, together, how we built a thriving beef operation. 

Thank you for being a part of our story and supporting Faithway Cattle. We can’t wait to share more of our journey with you!

Vanessa & Stan

Faithway Cattle Co.

Connect with us on social @faithway_cattle to learn more about our pasture-raised beef and how you can support local agriculture.


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